The performance was superb! The children were engrossed from start to finish and wanted more.
W. J. Creel Elementary School, Melbourne, FL
I don’t usually gush, but this was FABULOUS! For 45 minutes, Robin Pease held her audience
spellbound (students and adults alike). She skillfully created an awareness of cultural differences while augmenting the children’s awareness of the even greater degree to which we are all alike.
Lynne Lipcon, Young Audiences Massachusetts
When you add movement to a poem, it makes it so much easier to understand.
Maddi, a student
The message was right on target - every student was engaged.
Grace Adams, Kendall NY
Thank you. I especially will be using the side-by-side comparison of the Great Law of Peace and the Constitution. And my students enjoy learning about the Native American symbolism present on U. S. currency.
Hugh M. Cummings High School, Burlington, NC
It was an amazing experience because they got me to come out of my shell.
Faith, a student
I believe the show clearly demonstrates that the "Founding Fathers" based many portions of the Constitution on their knowledge of Iroquois government, rather than on the Magna Carta, as textbooks often claim.
Shari Gully Burlington, North Carolina
I loved how you were interactive with everyone.
Shaylin, a student
It surprised me are how fast they got us to write a song and then got people to actually sing along and interact with everything.
Julia, a student
"You are so talented. I think it really hits home and gets the point against bullying across…with the Greek masks on each character pleading their case/cause. I love the interaction with the audience.”
Lisa Pawluk, Longfellow MIddle School
Your workshop with my 7th graders was not only outstanding but also memorable. After you left, our assistant principal stopped in and the kids insisted on showing him their Civil War poetry presentations. He was duly impressed.
Teresa Lambert - Findlay, OH
Thanks! We need more PD like this in order to motivate our students to actively participate and learn concepts in various ways. Bring Robin back!
Renaissance Theater, Professional Development Participant
Pease utilizo una mezcla de español e inglés para contar las historias y adaptarlas a su audiencia, la mayoría de ellos eran bilingues.
EL LATINO EXPRESO, Charleston, West Virginia
That was the best time I had at school.
Justin, a student
In addition to teaching in the schools, she is one of our best presenters of teacher professional development and is called upon regularly by other arts organizations for professional development.
Marsha Dobrzynski, Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio