Thank you. I especially will be using the side-by-side comparison of the Great Law of Peace and the Constitution. And my students enjoy learning about the Native American symbolism present on U. S. currency.
Hugh M. Cummings High School, Burlington, NC
Pease utilizo una mezcla de español e inglés para contar las historias y adaptarlas a su audiencia, la mayoría de ellos eran bilingues.
EL LATINO EXPRESO, Charleston, West Virginia
The performance was superb! The children were engrossed from start to finish and wanted more.
W. J. Creel Elementary School, Melbourne, FL
The performance was superb. The children were engrossed from start to finish. They wanted more!
Viola Franklin Melbourne, Florida
I learned plenty!
Miranda, a student
I especially enjoyed how the whole class got to create!
Matt, a student
Your workshop with my 7th graders was not only outstanding but also memorable. After you left, our assistant principal stopped in and the kids insisted on showing him their Civil War poetry presentations. He was duly impressed.
Teresa Lambert - Findlay, OH
"The audience joined in, singing the sequence of the water cycle. After the program, positive comments from parents exclaimed that this will give the kids a jump start on science in the upcoming school year."
Lynn Raymond, Cuyahoga County Public Library
Robin is celebrated in the community for her teaching, her direction, her performances, her entrepreneurial skills, and her overall expertise. I highly recommend her.
Ray Gargano, Victoria Theatre
I loved how you were interactive with everyone.
Shaylin, a student
In addition to teaching in the schools, she is one of our best presenters of teacher professional development and is called upon regularly by other arts organizations for professional development.
Marsha Dobrzynski, Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio
Being that many of our students from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, France, Russia and Turkey have limited verbal and listening skills, the visual part of the program created a captive audience.
Cinnie Wappel, New Hope, PA
Learning has never been such fun and so moving.
Clara Barton Elementary School, Levittown, PA
I liked the fact that we worked together and the results were amazing.
Chandler, a student
Robin is a unique and creative artist whose leadership has helped countless students and teachers. Her experience has been invaluable and her high expectations have helped our staff in attaining not only our artistic goals but also our academic goals.
Andrew Koonce, Principal Cleveland School of the Arts