I believe the show clearly demonstrates that the "Founding Fathers" based many portions of the Constitution on their knowledge of Iroquois government, rather than on the Magna Carta, as textbooks often claim.
Shari Gully Burlington, North Carolina
It surprised me are how fast they got us to write a song and then got people to actually sing along and interact with everything.
Julia, a student
I really enjoyed your presentation and had a lot of fun performing. I think you're really cool!
Jacob, a student
It was very interesting to learn about all the different kinds of acting skills.
Kirk, a student
Thank you. I especially will be using the side-by-side comparison of the Great Law of Peace and the Constitution. And my students enjoy learning about the Native American symbolism present on U. S. currency.
Hugh M. Cummings High School, Burlington, NC
When I had to go up and say my part, I thought I would be nervous. When I get nervous, my voice gets deep and it didn’t get deep. I wasn’t nervous and I was surprised they didn’t make me nervous. I was comfortable. They probably made me conquer my fear on getting nervous in front of people.
Jordan, a student
I thought it was neat how I could be like a real actress.
Sarah, a student Cleveland Heights, OH
Robin Pease was the keynote speaker, a constructive and inspiring addition to the festival....she really held the attention and interest of the entire auditorium. Teachers came away with a better understanding of how to enhance storytelling with dramatic arts principles, and use stories from diverse cultural backgrounds to create activities that address learning standards.
Settlement Music School, Philadelphia PA
I liked the fact that we worked together and the results were amazing.
Chandler, a student
THE LAST FUGITIVE SLAVE performance showed the emotional distress and physical consequences of the slavery institution; Robin incorporated students into her performance, directly having them see the importance of the teaching of history and culture by means of the theatrical arts.
Arts Partnership
The performance was superb! The children were engrossed from start to finish and wanted more.
W. J. Creel Elementary School, Melbourne, FL
Learning has never been such fun and so moving. It is a great way to learn history!
Patricia Waite, Levittown, PA
I learned plenty!
Miranda, a student
"The kids were jumping out of their seats to participate in the show. The parents were pleased that, by the time the kids had the mystery solved and the show was over, they learned about the water cycle, including precipitation, collection, and evaporation."