I really enjoyed your presentation and had a lot of fun performing. I think you're really cool!
Jacob, a student
I don’t usually gush, but this was FABULOUS! For 45 minutes, Robin Pease held her audience
spellbound (students and adults alike). She skillfully created an awareness of cultural differences while augmenting the children’s awareness of the even greater degree to which we are all alike.
Lynne Lipcon, Young Audiences Massachusetts
The performance was superb! The children were engrossed from start to finish and wanted more.
W. J. Creel Elementary School, Melbourne, FL
I thought it was neat how I could be like a real actress.
Sarah, a student Cleveland Heights, OH
The message was right on target - every student was engaged.
Grace Adams, Kendall NY
The interactive qualities of the workshop made the class really exciting. It was great to be up and moving, active and creative. It gave me another strategy to use in the classroom. Easy to do, yet very power outcomes.
Kennedy Center, Professional Development Participant
Pease utilizo una mezcla de español e inglés para contar las historias y adaptarlas a su audiencia, la mayoría de ellos eran bilingues.
EL LATINO EXPRESO, Charleston, West Virginia
When I had to go up and say my part, I thought I would be nervous. When I get nervous, my voice gets deep and it didn’t get deep. I wasn’t nervous and I was surprised they didn’t make me nervous. I was comfortable. They probably made me conquer my fear on getting nervous in front of people.
Jordan, a student
I especially enjoyed how the whole class got to create!
Matt, a student
This was great! I really enjoy these professional development workshops and this one had cool ideas I can take and use in the classroom tomorrow! The speaker was very organized, executed her objectives well, and provided useful techniques. Fun time!
Clark State Community College Performing Arts Center
It was an amazing experience because they got me to come out of my shell.
Faith, a student
I liked the fact that we worked together and the results were amazing.
Chandler, a student
The story was creative and highly interactive.
Judy Carr Newtown, PA
Robin is celebrated in the community for her teaching, her direction, her performances, her entrepreneurial skills, and her overall expertise. I highly recommend her.
Ray Gargano, Victoria Theatre
The performance was superb. The children were engrossed from start to finish. They wanted more!