I liked the fact that we worked together and the results were amazing.
Chandler, a student
I really enjoyed being able to work with a group to being a poem to life using drama.
Kayli, a student
I really enjoyed your presentation and had a lot of fun performing. I think you're really cool!
Jacob, a student
The story was creative and highly interactive.
Judy Carr Newtown, PA
I especially enjoyed how the whole class got to create!
Matt, a student
This was great! I really enjoy these professional development workshops and this one had cool ideas I can take and use in the classroom tomorrow! The speaker was very organized, executed her objectives well, and provided useful techniques. Fun time!
Clark State Community College Performing Arts Center
I loved how you were interactive with everyone.
Shaylin, a student
THE LAST FUGITIVE SLAVE performance showed the emotional distress and physical consequences of the slavery institution; Robin incorporated students into her performance, directly having them see the importance of the teaching of history and culture by means of the theatrical arts.
Arts Partnership
Robin Pease was the keynote speaker, a constructive and inspiring addition to the festival....she really held the attention and interest of the entire auditorium. Teachers came away with a better understanding of how to enhance storytelling with dramatic arts principles, and use stories from diverse cultural backgrounds to create activities that address learning standards.
Settlement Music School, Philadelphia PA
Thanks! We need more PD like this in order to motivate our students to actively participate and learn concepts in various ways. Bring Robin back!
Renaissance Theater, Professional Development Participant
That was the best time I had at school.
Justin, a student
Dave Young and Robin Pease came to my class and taught my classmates and me about the fundamentals about writing music and composing music.
Rocko, a student
Pease utilizo una mezcla de español e inglés para contar las historias y adaptarlas a su audiencia, la mayoría de ellos eran bilingues.
EL LATINO EXPRESO, Charleston, West Virginia
Robin is celebrated in the community for her teaching, her direction, her performances, her entrepreneurial skills, and her overall expertise. I highly recommend her.